Conductive helps managers develop into leaders. The program’s topic modules support the growth of high-potential managers into leaders with impact and executive presence, with customized instruction based on desired outcome.
Leadership Development Topics Include:
- Cultivating Culture
- Effective Communication
- Conflict Management
- Team Management
- Team Motivation and Values
- Leadership Style
- Emotional Intelligence and Energy Leadership
- Delegation
- Time Management
- Executive Presence
- Resource Management
- Delivering Feedback
Small group pods between modules include interactive exercises and live scenarios; one-on-one coaching is also provided to managers for reinforcement and deeper exploration alongside assignments for homework and application.
Program Includes
Our Approach
The Conductive Toolbox
The Conductive Toolbox includes assessments, surveys and questionnaires, developmental exercises and customized training programs for current and emerging leaders. Our clients complete an online leadership assessment, followed by a one-on-one two-hour debrief. These techniques, methodologies and strategies map the gap between your self-perception and how others perceive you.
Data-Driven Insights
Conductive identifies the individual behaviors, strengths and values that will accelerate or impede your success. Our selected assessments – Hogan Assessment, 360 Stakeholder Interviews, Leadership Versatility Index (LVI) and Energy Leadership Index (ELI) – provide evidence-based data and insight into a client’s reputation and how they show up day-to-day and under stress. We aggregate and analyze the data, then summarize it to identify the patterns, themes and topics we will cover during training.